Making “Monday Blues” Pink

Making “Monday Blues” Pink

Reporting managers dread receiving messages from their subordinates on a working Monday….wondering why????

The messages range from, “I have an ache in the stomach”, “I am under the weather”, “I have very important work at home” to “My uncle expired and I have to attend his funeral”. This hypothetical uncle has died so many times that I am tempted to ask….”Is your uncle a cat?” Why….because only cats are believed to have seven lives.

Is this what we call “Monday Blues”??? Perhaps, yes.

“Monday Blue” the common phenomenon experienced by working professionals is that irritable sensation that acts as a devil and signals the brain to detest reporting at work every Monday. This experience is more prominent as it succeeds the idyllic “Sunday”. Sunday has a relaxing and mirthful connotation….in stark contrast to the dreadful Monday….. It contains feelings of depression, lethargy, and despair and makes one perceive one’s work as unpleasant. According to a recent CNBC article, workers are most unhappy at precisely 11:17 a.m. on Monday morning.

The “Monday Blues” can impact performance, productivity and culture of your organization. The “emotional state of being” has a huge impact on how we think, feel and behave. It’s the behavior patterns of employees that influence organizational effectiveness to a great extent.

Leaders….beware…are you receiving large number of leave messages on Monday? This feeling of dread towards Monday; sustained for a long time by most of your employees actually hints at a serious problem with work and the work environment. If employees love their job they would be excited to report back at work on Monday.

The question that keeps hovering in my mind, however, is that can leaders do something to prevent “Monday Blues”? Hmmm….is this string of thoughts a reflection of my higher levels of “Romance for Leadership”….Where I believe leader have an answer for everything and a solution for every problem??? May be yes….But a multitude of research papers have established that leaders do impact work and people at work…..Leaders play an important role when it comes to enhancing the attractiveness dimension of work environment. An effective leader is able to anticipate the problem before it actually occurs. So what may a leader do to combat the “Monday Blues”!!!!

Leaders must make an effort to develop care and concern for their employees. When you treat your employees like a normal human being having oscillating emotions, it will be easier to relate to and solve their concerns. A little care goes a long way in establishing cohesive work environment and enhanced affinity towards the leader. Many leaders make the mistake to assume that employees will be able to relate to the very subtle expressions of care and concern. Does that work???? Why to leave things to imagination….A leader must not shy away from demonstrating care and concern without any inhibitions. Does that make one a weak leader?????

Leaders have great responsibility to breed and nurture Positivity in the work place. Employees’ behavior is a reflection of leader’s behavior. Employees observe the leader’s behavior and consider it desirable, thereby replicating the same patterns.

Leaders may plan to make Monday a little lighter from work-load point of view. Let the employees get their groove back…..don’t overburden and overwhelm them with hard-pressed, deadline oriented work on Monday. Think of ways by which the work would be more exciting, meaningful and satisfying. Encourage Fun at work…. A little fun never killed anyone….Exuberance and Energy act as a catalyst in promoting healthy work culture. Leaders may create opportunities for employees to reconnect with their colleagues on Monday. The healthy banters and water cooler conversations act a great kick start for the whole work week ahead.

Leaders may also help employees identify mentors at work. If employee’s Monday blues are chronic, it may be a symptom of a larger problem. Having a mentor allows the employee to have another perspective to the issues. A mentor may help the employee work through the underlying issues and help to get rid of the blues.

A leader needs to identify the problem. Once the root cause for employees’ emotional state is identified it will be easier to provide a plausible solution for combating the issue. Leaders are the anchor for an organization. If leaders take care of their employees, the employees will take care of the organization. So leaders out there…let’s make an effort to create more healthy, happy and robust workplace.

-by Prof. Kusum Pawar

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