Management Education Mantra – Attitude Matters!

Management Education Mantra – Attitude Matters!

No matter what you deserve and how capable you are finally the attitude will make all the difference to your success parameters. When you go for interviews, 15 % is technical skills and 85 % is your attitude. Lots have been discussed in terms of the definition of the attitude and the parameters of the same. As per Wikipedia, the attitude is defined as: – a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. Thus, lots of research has gone into it, one of the best explanations is, “Attitude is the foundation of the behavioural aspects of an individual in an organization.”

Attitudes towards people, work, country, race, political party, etc. are the outcome of either:-

  1. The experience that an individual has gained in some form or the other, makes a perceived behavioural pattern.
  2. The preconceived notion or bias is created with a certain linkage of information received.

To understand how important attitude is one must understand that 85% of the time it’s the attitude that builds your career. The behavioural attitude is of utmost importance for the fundamental understanding of a corporate environment.

Once a management student enters the campus the attitude starts playing on the development of the character and personality of the students. This specifically happens with a fresher. A fresher with no work experience enters the management program and needs to adjust to the requirements of personality development and character-building to be a good fit in the decision-making roles in the corporate. The journey becomes easier and more enriching if the attitude is in place. The pedagogy that a Business school adopts makes it even more necessary that the students must have the right attitude to work in teams and groups. This would be possible only if one develops a learning attitude where group learning peer plays a very important role in the development of managerial skills.

No wonder it has been proved time and again that the right attitude takes to heights! Thus, enjoying the journey of delivering quality management education by developing the right behavioural attitude among future leaders and entrepreneurs at DSGS.

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